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Théatre National > Salle J. Huisman

Filmer l'autre: de la pratique à l'éthique

Fr • 120’

Documentary film-makers have always filmed other human beings, revealing them in all their singularity. But filming the Other isn’t done without reflection, as it also shapes the role of the film-makers themselves: at what distance should the camera be placed? Does the filming involve observation, dialogue, interventionism or staging? What effect does the camera have on reality? In the end, what are the ethics behind this gaze?

Masterclass animée par Muriel Andrin (professeur d’écriture et d’analyses cinématographiques à l’ULB) avec Benjamin D'Aoust (réalisateur), Tülin Ozdemir (réalisatrice) et Jorge Leon (réalisateur, cameraman et cadreur).