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Théatre National > Salle J. Huisman

Les Sauteurs

Moritz Siebert, Estephan Wagner, Abou Bakar Sidibéand

MA • 2016 • 82’ • VO/OV st Fr/En

Jumpers... fence jumpers, border jumpers, continent jumpers. From Morocco to Spain, the journey is a difficult one. They get through in massive numbers to thwart the police that is present in massive numbers, too.  As they wait for a very risky crossing, they play football, they get by, they tell stories of their harsh journeys, but most of all, they wait. “I feel like I exist because I’m filming,” says Abou, with camera in hand. Two Danish film-makers lent it to him. He is the author of the film, a live look at his destiny.

Ecumenical Jury award, Berlinale 2016
Suivi d’une rencontre avec/ gevolgd door een gesprek (Fr) met Carine Thibaut (responsable du département campagne au CNCD-11.11.11), Coralie Hublau (chargée des questions de séjour des étrangers au CIRE) et Cécile Vanderstappen (chargée de recherche et de plaidoyer Migrations et Développement au CNCD-11.11.11).
Partenaria(a)t : CNCD-11.11.11