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© Olmo Calvo

Olmo Calvo was born in Santander in 1982. Founding member of Buenos Aires-based photojournalism cooperative SUB, he currently works as a freelancer.

With vigour and humanity, the work of this young photographer illustrates the recent downfall of Spain's economic and social situation.

In fact, since 2008, the official start of the economic crunch, Spaniards have suffered the consequences of the crisis through expulsion, unemployment, social repression and budget cuts. Anguish, powerlessness, rage, injustice, isolation, despair, but also solidarity, resistance and dignity are some of the many feelings of those who suffer and that accurately transpire through the photographs of Olmo Calvo. His objective narrowly focuses on the life of citizens who are constantly fighting to get back control over their lives, a control that has unfairly been taken away from them.


Olmo Calvo : Cuarto mundo (Made in Spain )
