
Theme 2014 :: Obey and disobey

Whom and what do we obey? Our master’s voice? Why do we obey? Willingly, begrudgingly or under force? Out of habit or fear? Who writes the rules? Who enforces them and how? Who are the legitimate authorities? How do they work? Aren’t they often contradictory?

There would be a little less horror on Earth if all human beings and institutions obeyed the principles set out in human rights’ charters. Some discipline is necessary for the building of a more just world. But the process also involves challenging all sources of injustice, by rebelling against and disobeying dangerous, absurd or obsolete orders. History shows us what excessive obedience can lead to, and it’s often thanks to the courage of rebels that progress has been made. So, what are the issues, legitimacy, conditions and consequences of disobedience?

Faithful to its commitments and continuing in the same vein as its previous themes, Festival des Libertés will discuss and portray what makes us obey or disobey.

>> Voir le site du Festival 2014