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© Benoît Peverelli
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Online PresaleThéâtre National

Théatre National > Grande Salle

Bernard Lavilliers


BERNARD LAVILLIERS is, above all, a voice at the service of the poets, transplanting the spirit of Léo Ferré into the world of rock. While the fighter’s poetry may have mellowed with time, he has remained faithful to his working-class origins, to his combats in the boxing ring, to his prison scars and his encounters with life in exile. Living on the margins but united in solidarity with the downtrodden, he has sung about the beauty of indigenous peoples and the ugliness of the powers that be. A great traveller, LAVILLIERS has journeyed from Saint Etienne to Saint Malo, from Kingston to New York, from Brazil to Angola. His rolling music swerves between sad melodies and biting rock, between rebellious reggae and lazy funk, between devilish salsas and languorous bossa novas. His latest album Causes perdues et musiques tropicales draws on music from everywhere and passionately blends several strains in order to denounce states of emergency, the predators of high finance and the dogs of war. And also to sing about the realms of the possible and about utopias.

On stage, this physical singer is joined by unmatched musicians to produce a mixture of sweat and savours, fevers and festivity, outbursts of anger and a dose of the blues.

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with, Théâtre National and the KVS  |

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