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Théatre National > Foyer

The Peas Project


After This is Our First Record in 2007, THE PEAS PROJECT now proposes, with more maturity and musical consciousness, Power & Romance. It has groove and mockery, and the typically funky frenzies that have made THE PEAS PROJECT so charming since their early days. The music takes its strength from electro sounds and Afro/beat rhythms inspired by hip-hop, pop and funk music... Power & Romance: it’s about the attraction of power and the merchandising of feelings. On the one hand, the lyrics deal with greed, power and manipulation, while on the other, they address the dilemma of love and the need for recognition. One thing is sure: they will definitely get you moving.

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with, Théâtre National and the KVS  |

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