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Théatre National > Studio

La défaite du progrès ?


Technological sciences have enabled us to tame nature and satisfy many human needs. But believers in progress have had to give up their technological utopias in light of unexpected consequences  and unfulfilled promises. Should this make us reject progress and technology across the board? Should we return to nature and forget that we owe our humanity to artefacts? Is it possible to move beyond the extremes of technophilia and technophobia and make nature and progress compatible? Is progress just scientific and technological? Doesn’t it depend on the meaning we assign to it and the larger project that it is part of? Neither technology nor progress can be reduced to utility alone. What about subtle, free and frugal progress?

With Pascal Chabot (philosopher, instructor at IHECS, author of La philosophie de Simondon (2003), Après le progrès (2008) and Les sept stades de la philosophie (2011)) and Michel Puech (philosopher, instructor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, author of La philosophie en clair. Dix classiques sérieusement dépoussiérés (1999), Homo sapiens technologicus. Philosophie de la technologie contemporaine, philosophie de la sagesse contemporaine (2008) and Développement durable : un avenir à faire soi-même (2010)).

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with, Théâtre National and the KVS  |

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