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Edvard Munch
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Théatre National > Grande Salle

Au bout de nos peurs


In our modern societies which claim to be based on Enlightenment principles and human rights, the reign of security and the myth of punishment keep growing stronger (longer sentences, criminalisation, measures for normalisation and control). How can one resist the freedom-killing and soul-destroying effects of discourses and policies based on fear, division, stigmatization and rejection, which inexorably lead to the disappearance of our freedoms? By deconstructing them and traveling along the margins where new mechanisms – polar opposites of the current orientations – are being built.

This debate will be the closing session of a day-long seminar devoted to the incarceration of minors, introduced by Bernard de Vos (Délégué général aux droits de l’enfant – ombudsman for children’s rights).

With Charlie Bauer (revolutionary activist, ex-prisoner, associate of the bank robber Jacques Mesrine, PhD in social anthropology and author of many books, including Le redresseur de clous, une violence révolutionnaire, 2010), Michaël Foessel (philosopher, Etat de vigilance. Critique de la banalité sécuritaire, 2010), Dan Kaminski (professor of criminology at UCL). Moderators: Bernard de Vos (Délégué général aux droits de l'enfant) and David Lallemand (spokesman for the Délégué général aux droits de l'enfant).

The participants will answer questions from practitioners and resource people present in the auditorium.

In partnership with the Délégué général de la Communauté française aux droits de l’enfant

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with, Théâtre National and the KVS  |

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